Création d'un comptage de s-core


je suis en train de créer un mini jeu et je veux compter un score
à chaque fois qu’un spride touche un autre spride c’est +1

j ai créé un label score

j ai créé la régle pour lancer lancer le décompte

When spride1 collides with spirde2
change app variable app variable score by 1

j essaie ensuite de faire afficher le résultat

when app initilizes or changes

et là je vois dans les tuto qu il y a une fonction
FROM label set text to " "

et je ne l’ai pas

dans mon label je n ai que des fonctions qui commencent par set

pourriez vous m aider à trouver comment créer un score svp


Hello and welcome to the furom.
Please understand that almost everyone here speaks in English. I used a translator to understand your post and this is what I got.

Start Translation
I am creating a mini game and i want to count a score every time a spride (Sprite) hits another spride(Sprite) it is +1. I created a score label. I created the rule to start the count When spride1 (Sprite1) collides with spirde2 (Sprite2) change app variable app variable score by 1

I then try to display the result when app initializes or changes and there I see in the tutorial that there is a function FROM label set text to “” and I don’t have it. In my label I only have functions that start with set.

Could you help me figure out how to create a score please


You are going to use the 'Set “”‘s Text to Block’. Here is a screenshot of what I did and this worked.


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thanks for the reply, however it still doesn’t work.
my project is public.
my username is valerie.evequea1
the project I am telling you about is: jeu d’essai UNIQUEMENT

Pourriez vous regarder? please


Your project is not coming up. Can you send a copy link my hitting “Share” in the designer and sending me the link?

ci-joint le lien

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This is wrong

You should do this way

Change all others the same way and it should work.

hello thanks

the score remains at 0, it does not change.
it does not work.


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I changed in all 3 blocks and tested it and can see the score changing.

Please make sure you change all and if still not working then please show the blocks you changed to see what is wrong.

It works.
Thanks a lot.

j’ai une autre question,
Est il possible de par exemple faire choisir un sprite à lutilisateur parmis plusieurs et utiliser que le sprite choisit pour le jeu.
je vous explique
je voulais prendre 10 personnages marvel, l’utilisateur choisit un personnage et je remplace le personnage choisit à la place du caddie pour faire les courses.?
est ce possible?

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When you add sprites in the same group (sprite type), each sprite will have its own ID and you can change the sprite with any of images in the same sprite type.

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Merci je vais tester