Cloudinary URL vs Uploaded File

Hi all,

I am using some pictures within my app that do not change. I’m wondering whether to use the upload file function or to use a Cloudinary URL?

If I use a Cloudinary URL does it call the API everytime the screen is loaded? Also once the picture is uploaded to Thunkable is it then done or will it require re-uploading further down the line? I’m sure I read somewhere that after 90 days it all got wiped.

Many thanks,


If it is a static image, I would recommend just uploading it to Thunkable directly (unless you run out of space). Alternatively, you can upload your image to Cloudinary and use the URL of the image. Both options are viable.

Because you are using the URL of the image, no API will be called. If the picture is uploaded to Thunkable, unless you delete the image, it shouldn’t be disappearing.

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Ok awesome thank you for clearing that up :slight_smile:

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