šŸˆ Check out Creattie on Product Hunt

Last week LottieFiles announced their $37M Series B raise so itā€™s probably safe enough to say that our favourite JSON-based animation file format isnā€™t going anywhere anytime soon.

Enter stage left: Creattie

What is it?

According to their Product Hunt page Creattie is:

[t]he worldā€™s first premium Lottie library. Customize and download curated Lottie animations, as well as other vector artworks in a few clicks.


Why is it useful to Thunkers?

They have a ton of free and paid resources, including icons and animations and the Lottie file format is natively supported by our Animations component

Check it out, and if you like it - upvote it :+1:


Are there plans to create start and stop blocks for the Animation component? I would find Lottie files more useful if I had some control over them.

See this: How can you start an animation from an event?

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Not that I know of @tatiang - my usual use case for Lottie is a loading or splash screen so typically doesnā€™t need start/stop control, and in the less-usual case of needing to only show the animation loop once I use the same sort of approach as youā€™ve proposed here

I can check about this for you, but since itā€™s more of a ā€œmild annoyanceā€ rather than a ā€œshow stopperā€ issue it probably wonā€™t get precedence over bugs etc.

Can you tell me a bit more about your use case? How are you currently using animations?


One use is to show a loading animation when the user searches data. Some API calls or even sophisticated Google Sheets/AirTable/Firebase calls can take a few seconds so Iā€™d like to start an animation when that happens.

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That makes sense - would show/hide work for that?




It can. In some cases, I like to start an animation at the first frame rather than in a random spot but as you said, itā€™s not a major issue. Just would be nice.


If what I do for that helps you, Iā€™ll share my trick:
I download Lottie as .gif, then using:
Change GIF Loop Count - Online GIF Tools
I just edit that .gif to loop only once, crop it or whatever I want to look my animation as I desire. :innocent:
Of course, that is not a Lottie animation component anymore, but an imageā€¦ but hey, the result is what Iā€™m interested in, right ? :blush:
But for waiting until some operation takes place, @domhnallohanlon work is the right choiceā€¦ show/hide some animation when it needed.
Iā€™m doing the same:


Yes, Iā€™ve used a GIF in place of a Lottie file as well. Thanks.

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Hereā€™s an interesting and informative thread discussing these two file formats!

Of course used case will dictate what you use in the end, information is always helpful in making those decisions.


I totally agree that Lottie animations are way better than .gifs in terms of quality and size. Totally
But, when it comes to use in my apps, I personally found that i can arrange .gifs better to fit my design, as i can edit any .gif cropping or whatever I want. Beside downloading few Lotties for free, all good Lotties are payed. And for editing a Lottie you need to pay too (i think, didnā€™t found yet another way to do it). I personally donā€™t like an animation with huge background that Iā€™d like to crop it, and so on.
But thatā€™s just me and my thoughts. Just discovered Lottie and maybe Iā€™ll find how to use it better in the future.