I want to make a catch the ball game with thunkable-x.
That means a ball with a special color or text should fall down. When I collect the right color or with the correct text the score should grow otherwise the score should reduce.
Hope someone can help me to solve such an app or maybe there exist an tutorial or example.
kindly regards for any answer
Yes, You can make here.
Thanks for your answer.
What to you mean with here?
kindly regards
In Thunkable.
Now what is your question about this game?
May you can give me an example how I can realize a falling obeject and cath it with an other one.
Does there exist an tutorial.
kindly regards
Can I make small project for you to understand?
If yes. Then PM me.
wat have u tried till now?
some how this will help - Thunkable
I have started now the game.
Here my link: my Thunkable catch example
I will now change the basket when I turn my phone to right and left but the accelerometer will not work with my huawei mate 10 pro.
Hope somebody can help me.
kindly regards
As alternative I want to drag the basket with the finger to the right or left site. May someone can help me also.
kindly regards
I will ask if someone can still help me.
kindly regards
Check this post
Thanks for the information.
That is very bad. Maybe there is a possiblity to drag an object with a finger to the right or to the left side.
kindly regards
we can drag in canvas so why not use canvas
Thanks for the answer.
Please let me know how can I solve a drag of my basket in my example.
Kindly regards
first see is this what you want - thunkablecompanion
Thanks for your answer.
When drag with a mouse button is the same like drag with a finger I will search for this solution.
kindly regards for an further answer and solution.
kindly regards
i will tell what you need to do first click on the basket sprite and then come to it’s properties then scroll down and enable is draggable
Thanks. I have done.
What changes I do also need?
kindly regards
for finger draggable thats it if you added some things that you tried to make it draggable then remove them
I notice that it will work but how is it possible that I can move the basket only to the right and left side?
kindly regards
Hope someone can still help me how I can drag a sprite only to the right and left site.
kindly regards.