[Solved] Backendless Web API response object issue

You’re not parsing the JSON correctly. The “message”, “userID” and “userId” properties do not exist in the JSON response you’re getting back from the API server.

If it’s helpful, you can review my API tutorial at API JSON Tutorial (Video).

Here are some steps to try:

  1. Whenever you get a property of an object, you need to make sure it’s actually an object you’re attaching. The green response block for an API returns JSON or an error. It does not return an object. So you’ll need to include the get object from JSON block. You did that in some cases but not in every case.

  2. Format your JSON on the forums by using the </> button in the toolbar. This fixes smart quotes. I went ahead and did that for you in your post.

  3. Copy the full JSON response text and paste it into Best JSON Viewer and JSON Beautifier Online. That will create a “tree” view of your data which is much easier to understand and which allows you to click on a property name (such as “slices” in this screenshot) and view the path to that property at the top:


  1. Decide which properties you need and determine their paths using step #2 above. For each path, use a get property of object block. The name of the property should be the path to the property name on Best JSON Viewer and JSON Beautifier Online. For example, to get the slices value, you would get the property named “slices”. To get the first item of the events property array/list, you would get the property named “events[1]”.

  2. Test and post screenshots if it’s still not working.