I don’t think you need the Get block. Also, I am a bit sceptical about the way you handle the response. Can you please paste the JSON response in plain text here (not as image) for me to test something? Thanks.
Try this. A more traditional approach. No need to convert the object to JSON as your response is JSON in first place. You need to convert it the other way around actually using the “get object from JSON” block. Give it a go:
You convert the response to JSON thinking it is an object. The response is JSON as it comes so no need to convert it again to JSON. Thinking that it is an object and converting it to JSON may cause the app to crash.
I mentioned both of the above points in my previous message. Here is the corrected code:
Hi! thank you for answering it. But it says here on the documentation from the API that "
HTTPS is recommended whenever possible, and is required for applications that include sensitive user data - such as a user’s location - in requests.If HTTPS is not possible, to access the Distance Matrix API over HTTP, use: http://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/distancematrix/outputFormat?parameters