created by Yusuf Cihan
Sorry, this is BETA version of my first app.
AndroPedia is a safe, free and ad-free device information app. You can track all information about your device with using real-time monitor.
Isn’t is enough?
File Manager / Drawer
Your device may not have a file manager that will open very simple files. But AndroPedia can do it too! It has a very simple file manager (drawer), but it does work.
Real-Time Monitor
It monitors and displays your battery and connection level instantaneously.
Powerful Settings
Almost all options are designed to be user-configurable. There is nothing so easy to play with the settings of your AndroPedia.
Dashboard / System Quality Point
There may be some software problems in your system. AndroPedia checks for problems in your system and reports to you. (like “Your battery is dead” or “Your device does not have a Google Play store”)
Security in AndroPedia
AndroPedia tries to provide as much security protection as possible. You can set a password before you enter the application. If someone else enters the Andropedia password incorrectly, you will know that someone are trying logging into it.
In-Buit Languages
I know English and Turkish. I did not know English very well, but I also included Turkish, my own language. For now, additional languages do not work in windows, but I’m going to fix it.
I used a lot of extensions. Name of the extensions can be seen from within the application.
Extensions by,
Taifun (Pura Vida Apps)
NMD Apps
Andres Cotes
Colin Tree
Juan Antonio
Said Dev
Icons by,
App Icon - Android Asset Studio
Icons in App - Papirus Development Team / Iconarchive
Also thanks to,
Thank you Thunkable for providing me with the development of my dream application.
Anyone who has downloaded this application.
This is my first app created with Thunkable. Maybe it can contains some bugs, but I will always work on this application to fix it. I love to design and produce new projects. I am not very professional in developing applications, but I believe that one day I will do it.
APK - Google Drive [4 MB]
AndroPedia by Yusuf Cihan (1.0 BETA)
AIA - Direct Download from Thunkable
AndroPedia - Source Code 1.0.zip (1.8 MB)
AndroPedia : Your Device Encyclopedia
Copyright © 2018 - Yusuf Cihan
GNU General Public License 2.0
(For the first time I am licensing an application, please let me know if it is wrong.)