AdMob UMP SDK please advice

Hello Thunkable team,
Any news on thus AdMob message around the GDPR message and UMP SDK.
For us no coders i assume we need Thunkabke help here.

Please advice

@stefansladdeneng1 I am not quite sure I follow. Are you receiving an error with AdMob in your app or just generally asking about the User Messaging Platform and Thunkable?

Sorry Matt - I was unclear.
When setting up ad mob ads through their platform they are talking about new GDPR rules come into affect later this year. They are refering to a process in which a SDK will be needed to be implemented to address new regulatory requirements. When the SDK is implemented - one can set up the Message and its graphical layout through the ir platform.
Having said this - the SDK part is what i am asking about as we never add anything like n SDK through the No Code application Thunkable…
Clearer?? (I hope) :-.D

Thanks for clarifying, @stefansladdeneng1! I will have to run this by our dev team, I personally don’t have much to do at all with what SDKs are deployed with our user’s apps but I am sure they probably on top of this for a future deployment of Thunkable!

Either way, I will check about this and get back to you soon.
