Add to Thunkable

Adding pre-programmed screens, meaning that there is a screen ready to log in, and so this will facilitate the topic

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Can you explain more and give some examples? I’m not sure what you mean. Is this a feature request? Are you asking for screen templates?


Meaning that there will be additional screens ready, for example, a login screen
I mean, when I add a screen, I choose the login screen, for example, and the registration screen

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There are demo/sample apps such as this

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Okay, I think you’re referring to templates. Those don’t exist in Thunkable but it would be a nice feature to have. There are tutorials for building those kinds of screens yourself.


I know it’s not in thunkable I want to add it to thunkable that would be a good thing

i know
thank you :heart:

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You can submit feature requests here:


ok :heart: