About the function

When we create a function and open any other, then the function is getting deleted automatically I have tried many ways and many times to do it. And the day before yesterday the thunkable was not even opening. So, tell me the solution for this. Thank you

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First of all allow me to change the category of your post to the right one.

Secondly, can you please explain more?
Where do you create the function and then go where?

Better if you provide screenshots of creating the function and how it disappears.

If you create a function in e.g. screen1.
It won’t appear in screen2.
Because for example if you set a button it text through the function.
And want to do that in the other screen it Will result in a crash.
Because the button doesn’t exist
Hope that explains it

Yes, but I know that I have created the function in screen 2 but when I open some category in blocks the function will disappear in the same screen itself

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Yes, sure

You need to post a screenshot of the function definition blocks and a screenshot of the Functions drawer that shows it missing.