Sending Notification to Specific User with Onesignal

I tried 50 times and I figured it out.

Just use Headers input.

First write to Property inputbox : “Authorization”
to Value inputbox: “YOUR_AUTHORISATION_CODE” which you can find here
and press ADD;

Secondly write to Property inputbox : “Content-Type”
to Value inputbox: “application/json”

to Body input paste the code show below:

  1. if you want to send your notification everybody use this:

“app_id”: “05a1a9c5-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxx-aad3xx5071f2”,
“included_segments”: [“All”],
“data”: {“foo”: “bar”},
“contents”: {“en”: “English Message”}

  1. If you want to send your message to a spesicif person use this:
    “app_id”: “05a1a9c5-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxx-aad3xx5071f2”,
    “include_player_ids”: [“8c08f556-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-2513x6x64x51”],
    “data”: {“foo”: “bar”},
    “contents”: {“en”: “English Message”}

Or you can use block like this.
