[SOLVED] How to target a static component using a dynamic value to change the components properties

I have components named “label_One”, "input_One, “label_Two”, “input_Two”, “label_Three”, “input_Three”.

I have a list of sublists that would look like:
[One, 1],
[Two, 2],
[Three, 3]

I want to setup a for loop that will take the first entry of my sublist “One”, “Two”, “Three” and change the properties on my components by targeting them dynamically in the for loop:

for j in List
set (“label_” + j.0)'s Text to “j.0”
set(“input_” + j.0)'s Text to “j.1”

Is this possible, can it be done?

Hello @marion.dorsett Welcome to the community
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Thanks for the reply, but I actually just figured it out.

The key was the Any Component block, my guess would be that I misunderstood the documentation.

I have 30 sets of 3 fields that will create a list of data:

… and I didn’t want to have to link to each one individually, and using a loop makes the code faster, and easier to manage.

Using the Any Component block I was able to make the text string in the loop to target the component name like I wanted.

Now that I’ve figured this out, I save the data back to local storage by writing a function to extract the data from the fields, and not have to write static code for each component.

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