[Superpost] Possible to keep screen active / screen on?

I may have found another thread. Try this. Keep the screen active

This is one of the threads I was talking about. They have a web_viewer Url which is https://hencehuman.github.io/index.html. This works if the user clicks the enable button. However that not exactly practical for my app. Can this be enabled when a screen opens so they don’t have to keep clicking the enabled button every screen they switch too… Or is there a better solution?

here is one potential solution

Nice, ill check it out.

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Hey folks,

Delighted to announce this is now a built-in block in Thunkable.


Leave a :heart: on the announcement post below if this is useful to you:

cc @Kyle_Williams @Arun_Nijhawan @Cian_O_Sullivan @wo66mi66xe @BlueWhaleYT @maxb @hhuman @Chris @rojroj101s @actech @io.nut.ilie @kizzy @nppvice @jared


YEAAAAH <3 This is awesome!


@domhnallohanlon Thank you! Amazing! :partying_face:

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REALLY!!! I must try now!!

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Great. Where do I place that? In “when screen 1 opens”? Or in “when webviewer opens”? I tried both and radio still stops after leaving phone untouched for a while or shortly after using other features/apps of the phone.

@nppvice I would have thought screen open would work…how about screen starts block?

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screen open worked for me