[Solved] Selecting one of hundreds of lists from a dataviewer and getting the values in that list?

What is the /gvis/tq?tq=?
gvis is a required parameter for reading a google sheet but intended for google’s visual language. tq?tq= is also required. all together it might be saying, read the sheet for google’s viz language using this text query.

What does the select A, count(B), etc mean? ?
pardon me about that - it’s a comment box from the last project i copied this from - it should have read - (as a comment and as a query) - select B where A=‘(the item selected)’. it is query, like SQL (structured query language) being used in real databases, but simplified - yet powerful for most needs.
in the above, A refers to the first column, B refer to the 2nd column - hence the query string “select B where A=‘(the item selected)’” is really saying, get me column B for ALL rows from sheet where column A equals the value supplied bounded by apostrophes.

What does the %27 mean?
i believe it means apostrophe (ie. single quote)

How do these variables relate to webapi’s and their signals?
webapi is one of 2 ways for thunkable to communicate with a site in the internet

this block

is like typing this on your browser:

go ahead, try it - and see what you get!
so it is important to define and encode your query just right.
in this example we know there are no duplicate words (ie. only one “winter”) but this query feature is capable of returning multiple rows.
for example you can code, “select name, item_bought, price where date=‘2022-09-26’ and age>24”
and you can get all rows that satisfy that condition.

Does this mean my lists can only be 48 characters long? Do I have to adjust the length of the string depending on the amount of items?
the json string is found at column 48 of the returned response.
What is the table.rows( - ).c[1].v?
it refers to value of the variable at the first row, column 1 (ie. c[1].v)

read more about this access method in this link and the embedded link:

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