ScorecardX in Beta now!


Take the guesswork out of managing yearly raises or bonus incentives and make ongoing employee performance monitoring a breeze! We took years of applied business psychology and turned it into a convenient app, for businesses just like yours!

Grow your business, build your ideas, and let us make the tough bits easier.

Have you ever sat thru a performance review and thought the feedback was super vague or not very objective? Ever had to give one? So then you’re familiar with the idea of trying to source information from people about an employees performance over some period of time? You’re also then familiar with the time that it takes to do those things and how annoying it can be?

The idea is to give managers a way to track their employees performance overtime in an objective, fair, and meaningful way. The score should be taken on a biweekly or monthly basis with the feedback being shared with the employee on that same interval so that the employee can make meaningful changes to their behavior. Then when performance review time comes it should only take about 15 to 20 minutes to prepare a document ahead of a quarterly review to review all of the scores that you’ve already taken and objectively given employee in evaluation of the performance for that time period

Feel free to skip the website and jump into the app here!