Please Help. I can;t use loop (count with or repeat)

Yes. I created 50 labels which name is ID0-49

Now I understand. The fact that the blocks Any need to specify a unique identifier of the Labels, but not the name. These are different things. Any blocks with names of the components do not work yet.

You’re right, this point is not shown in the documentation and novice users can not understand why it does not work.

For operation Any units need UUID. You have a Name. You need to create a function that will return the UUID for transferred in it Name. For example, you pass an ID4, and it returns the UUID - F5657FTGH-0000FRTD etc. You understand how to solve this problem?


Easily convert Name to ID


Thanks for guide. It seems like difficult.
I don’t know why but I should make it something new list with new variable.

Now I’m analyzing your sample. and you use “all Label in Screen”
And I’m confused because there are another Label too.
I have another 50 Labels named “profile” or “hash”.

So If I set “All Labels” it will crush. But I believe there is another way.
I will try and study. Thanks a lot.

I’m trying to make curated list. I think my code is fail.
I should use ListViewer but I didn’t Is It right?
I’m very confused :joy:

In my example, I use the block “all Label in Screen”, because they are on the screen. If your are in the Column, then you must specify this Column.

Suppose you have 100 the Label, and you need to change only 10 of them. To do this, you should ask a suitable condition and filter out only the Label, which correspond to this condition.

Your task is much easier to solve with the help of ListViewer, but so far no ListViewer Thunkable X with the desired functionality. You can wait for its release or to come up with a workaround to solve your problem.

Yes but my screen is like this.
I cant imagine how to filter it…
Cause I made it by row.
And my labels are blocked by row.

Maybe I need another way.

But if I measure speed with this block. (I don’t know I’m doing right.)
It shows 0.07sec - is it possible?
but reality is 7~8sec

Yes, maybe what you need is ID_a, ID_b and ID_c; Profile_a, Profile_b, Profile_c etc.
And what you could use is a logic that assigns what you presently put into dedicated ID, profile, image and font (50 of them) to a re-used limited display of perhaps 3 (a, b and c).
That way, you can even have far more that 50 entries without having to change the program or add components, with the a, b and c being only a window into the whole list.
I.E. when you are at the top, ID_a shows what you presently show as ID0, and ID_b shows ID1. Scroll down one, and ID_a shows ID1, while ID_b shows ID2. Scroll again, and ID_a shows ID2.
And you do not have to assign ID23 to anything until the user has scrolled over 20 times.

I tried. But It’s too difficult for me…:joy:
I got what you mean. but I dont know how…:joy:

If I share my share link can you do it for me?
Actually I asked some professional at Fiverr with money.
But they couldn’t. I’m so sad.

I can’t make it with “make list”
So I tested it by menual.
I tried it without loop. It means I made a lot of blocks menually.
And I deleted all of pics for test.
I call 4 rows and each rows has 8 value for test
so I call 32 value total. but it is still slow.

I think we can see your project, but for this it must contain real data, because it often happens that we solve the problem and the user says that actually he data are quite different.

In Thunkable X is slow not only block create and clone. Data on the screen, so I’m not surprised that you manually created the 32 components are also displayed slowly, but it’s not fast enough. We must look for ways to optimize.

Thank you for helping me.
Here is mine. It include firebase key. I know it can be dangerous but don’t worry it’s for test.

My problems are

  1. It is very slow for loading date
    • tried to exclude images but it was same.
  2. Should make individual block for buttons.
    so I should a lot of blocks for buttons
  3. Want to make save firebase data to local db.
    So that it load when firebase data is updated

Well, I’ll see it.

Access to Firebase in app no. Can you give me access in personal message?