Need help to download af PDF that is a stream of RAW bytes

There are four main steps to using an API in Thunkable:

  1. Connecting to the API by entering a url in a browser (e.g. Chrome; this step actually isn’t done inside of Thunkable) and viewing JSON data is an example of that but it uses demo data
  2. Connecting to the API url using Thunkable Web API URL and Web API GET blocks and retrieving JSON data
  3. Parsing the JSON data
  4. Deciding what to do with specific JSON data

If you’re able to do #1, it would speed things along if you can PM me with the url you’re using.

Figuring out #2 and #3 are relatively straightfoward and I can provide a screenshot for those. But it won’t actually work without the url from #1.

As far as #4 goes, well, if you have a link to a PDF then you have to decide what you want to do with that link or the file it points to. You can email or text it to someone, you can display it in the app, or you can upload it somewhere.