Cant download a PDF from API

See, you have the keys inserted. This is why it works for you.

It will not work for me not for @tatiang because we do not have the authorization tokens and therefore we will not be of much help to you in getting the PDF file you want.

I can just send you the tokens. I did that to @tatiang as well
I will send it in PB

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@muneer, I had the project @funhall created with the secure tokens embedded in the API component. But I still couldnā€™t get it to work. Iā€™m pretty sure the authentication isnā€™t correct in Thunkable but I donā€™t know why.

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Thank you @funhall,
Thank you @tatiang,

It is already half an hour after midnight in my side of the world and will look into the project tomorrow.

It is worthwhile for @funhall to check the secret token between Pastman and Thunkable. It is already working in Postman so it should have the correct tokens.

That is ofcorse allright. It was also lait for me last night.
Bu I have sent you some shered projects. Sorry if you feel that I have spamed you with links.

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