Working with Times and Dates in Thunkable

This has been discussed many times on the forums. Please search and if you have questions, post a screenshot of the blocks you’ve tried. I believe the best option may be a Javascript.

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Just updated this tutorial with a new API @nqtapp and @schoenci so this should be a lot easier to do now

Did you get this working by converting the JSON to an object first @maxb ?

check out the Countdown screen @taravat.mahavar83qr7, it has a function that you can use to update the timer

There’s an example on the Stopwatch screen @04253tanyachanokcu0 of how to convert seconds in to mm:ss format, you can expand this to add days and hours too if needed.

I’m now linking to the /projectPage/ @alex_ezacae so this should be available indefintiely

For anyone interested, here’s the link to the new project