Guys thanks for the effort to fix the issues (to all the staff) and also for the new features that are added to checkboxes and to textboxes… Amazing work…
However the issues in the Visible property of FABs still exist. I am attaching an aia as well as an apk for your reference…
It seems that FABs stop being hidden after a few times the property is changed even in the companion…
previously problems existed only in the apk…
Sometimes after going to another screen the visible property is working again but other times not…
I think that when the team made changes for the visibility of FABs in landscape then the problem started… (although I might be mistaken)
IF this is the case then I do not have any objection in loosing FABs on landscape in order to have a working visible property in portrait…
(at least until the issues are being fully resolved…)
However this is my personal opinion, maybe we should have a poll on that???
I hope that you will find a solution easily and soon…
Here are the attachments…
FAB_Issues.aia (3.8 KB)
FAB_Issues.apk (2.3 MB)