Successfully Completed JRD URL Shortner app

Hello Guys, Successfully thunked JRD URL Shortner app which can shorten long url’s into very short url’s. Install this app if you found any bugs or any improvements then please suggest me.
Used Extensions:-Popupmenu,Shortlink @Mika and Taifunclipboard @Taifun.

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I think google URL shortener will discontinue after March 30, 2019.

Starting March 30, 2018, we will be turning down support for URL shortener. From April 13, 2018, only existing users will be able to create short links on the console. You will be able to view your analytics data and download your short link information in CSV format for up to one year, until March 30, 2019, when we will discontinue Previously created links will continue to redirect to their intended destination. Please see this blog post for more details`


Thanks for the information

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