iOS for Thunkable

There are a lot of good points there Colin, I might move this to its own topic though, because I imagine lots of people will have an opinion on this.

In fact many of you will​ be eligible for free developer accounts through the University program:

Given the recent announcement of Swift Playgrounds, the proliferation of iPads in schools and Apple finally embracing open code I wouldn’t be surprised to see a similar initiative for high schools in the not too distant future.

You can legitimately side-load apps for a while now:

You can charge for your app! :grinning:

Anyway, you make good points, but if anything I think that Thunkable for iOS will make developing for iPhone more accessible than it currently is and allow a huge amount of people to learn iOS development​ that wouldn’t have had the chance before. Personally I think it’s a step in the right direction. Roll on beta testing!!