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January 27, 2019, 3:50am
what about adding a description in English and a few screenshots?
see also
It’s an amazing feeling when you see your app live, online, in an app store for anyone in the world to download. Publishing your app can feel like the end of the road after hours and hours designing, developing and deploying your app.
In reality this could be the start of an even more exciting journey - growing an audience for your app and making it even better for the people who are already using it
Once your app is live you want users to install it and give you feedback so you can release up…
Sorry , I thought the link to the board on the playstore was sufficient, I did not want to go overboard with self promotion…
This is an internet browser that includes two main features: tabbed browsing and the ability to view two of these tabs at the same time (split screen ).
video demo:
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