[ { "meta":{ "id":"do:1", "uuid":"a5be1bb8-47a9-467a-a751-c285f8a7ae85", "src":"learners", "section":"alpha", "highlight":"yes", "stems":[ "do", "did", "did for", "did with", "do a number on", "do away with", "do by", "do for", "do it", "do justice", "do proud", "do the trick", "do with", "doable", "does", "does for", "does with", "doing", "doing for", "doing with", "done", "done for", "done with", "to do", "be to do with", "do battle", "do down", "do good", "do in", "do out of", "do over", "do someone proud", "do up", "do well", "do without", "do your bit", "easy does it", "have to do with", "how do you do?", "make do", "nothing doing", "done to", "done something to\/with", "done something to", "done something with", "do something", "do something about", "all we can do", "do anything", "doing anything", "not doing anything", "what have i done with", "can\u0027t do anything with", "cant do anything with", "nothing to do", "do as you\u0027re told", "do as youre told", "do for a living", "how are you doing?", "how you doing?", "do you (some) good", "do you good", "do you some good", "do him (any) harm", "do him any harm", "do him harm", "doesn\u0027t do much for", "doesnt do much for", "does nothing for you", "did my best", "did my utmost", "did all that i could", "did everything i could", "do dinner", "doing time", "done my time", "will do", "will\/would do", "would do", "that will do (it)", "that will do", "that will do it", "that should do (it)", "that should do", "that should do it", "that does it", "doesn\u0027t do", "doesnt do", "won\u0027t\/wouldn\u0027t do", "won\u0027t do", "wouldn\u0027t do", "wont\/wouldnt do", "wont do", "wouldnt do", "what\u0027s doing", "whats doing", "what is something\/someone doing\u2026?", "what is someone doing\u2026?", "what is something doing\u2026?", "what is someone doing with (something)?", "what is someone doing with ?", "what is someone doing with something?", "what do you think you\u0027re doing with", "what do you think youre doing with", "did pretty well by", "do himself in", "did herself up", "would do well", "did well", "did well to escape, survive", "could (really) do with", "could do with", "could really do with", "can\/could do without", "can do without", "could do without", "it has something to do with", "it\u0027s got something to do with", "its got something to do with", "it has nothing to do with", "it\u0027s got everything to do with", "its got everything to do with", "had nothing to do with", "didn\u0027t have anything to do with", "didnt have anything to do with", "had something to do with", "have anything to do with", "want nothing to do with" ], "app-shortdef":{ "hw":"do:1", "fl":"verb", "def":[ "{bc} to perform (an action or activity)", "used with {it}what{\/it} to ask or talk about a person\u0027s job", "{bc} to finish working on (something)" ] }, "offensive":true }, "hom":1, "hwi":{ "hw":"do", "prs":[ { "ipa":"\u02c8du\u02d0", "sound":{ "audio":"do000001" } } ] }, "fl":"verb", "ins":[ { "if":"does", "prs":[ { "ipa":"\u02c8d\u028cz", "sound":{ "audio":"do000005" } } ] }, { "if":"did", "prs":[ { "ipa":"\u02c8d\u026ad", "sound":{ "audio":"do000002" } } ] }, { "if":"done", "prs":[ { "ipa":"\u02c8d\u028cn", "sound":{ "audio":"done0001" } } ] }, { "if":"do*ing", "prs":[ { "ipa":"\u02c8du\u02d0w\u026a\u014b", "sound":{ "audio":"doing001" } } ] } ], "def":[ { "sseq":[ [ [ "sense", { "sn":"1 a", "dt":[ [ "text", "{bc}to perform (an action or activity) " ], [ "wsgram", "+ obj" ], [ "vis", [ { "t":"We should {it}do{\/it} something special to celebrate your birthday." }, { "t":"This crime was {it}done{\/it} deliberately." }, { "t":"I have to {it}do{\/it} some chores this afternoon." }, { "t":"Tell me what to {it}do{\/it} and I\u0027ll {it}do{\/it} it." }, { "t":"I\u0027m obliged to {it}do{\/it} my duty." }, { "t":"He {it}does{\/it} his work without complaining." }, { "t":"I {it}do{\/it} the ironing on Wednesdays and the cooking on Thursdays. [=I iron on Wednesdays and cook on Thursdays]" }, { "t":"I {it}did{\/it} a favor for him. = I {it}did{\/it} him a favor." }, { "t":"{ldquo}What do you {it}do{\/it} with this lever? = What does this lever {it}do{\/it}?{rdquo} {ldquo}It operates the pump.{rdquo}" }, { "t":"He {it}did{\/it} a lot for us." }, { "t":"What can I {it}do{\/it} to help you? = What can I {phrase}do for{\/phrase} you? [=how can\/may I help you?]" }, { "t":"What have I {phrase}done to{\/phrase} you to make you so angry?" }, { "t":"Have you {phrase}done something to\/with{\/phrase} this room? [=have you changed this room in some way?] It looks different." }, { "t":"My knee is sore. I must have {phrase}done something to{\/phrase} it [=I must have hurt it] when I fell." }, { "t":"Don\u0027t just stand there: {phrase}do something{\/phrase}! [=take some sort of action to stop what is happening]" }, { "t":"We need to {phrase}do something about{\/phrase} this problem. [=we need to take some action to correct this problem]" }, { "t":"{phrase}All we can do{\/phrase} is hope for the best. [=there is no other action we can take except to hope for the best]" }, { "t":"I didn\u0027t {it}do{\/it} it! = I didn\u0027t {phrase}do anything{\/phrase}! [=I didn\u0027t do what you said I did]" }, { "t":"Are you {phrase}doing anything{\/phrase} right now? [=are you busy right now?]" }, { "t":"If you\u0027re {phrase}not doing anything{\/phrase} this evening [=if you\u0027re not busy this evening], why not come over for dinner?" }, { "t":"{ldquo}What are you {it}doing{\/it} this weekend?{rdquo} {ldquo}I\u0027m just relaxing at home.{rdquo}" }, { "t":"What is the stock market {it}doing{\/it} now: rising or falling?" }, { "t":"{phrase}What have I done with{\/phrase} my keys? [=where did I put my keys?]" }, { "t":"My hair is a mess. I {phrase}can\u0027t do anything with{\/phrase} it." }, { "t":"There\u0027s {phrase}nothing to do{\/phrase} in this town on a Saturday night!" } ] ], [ "wsgram", "no obj" ], [ "vis", [ { "t":"{it}Do{\/it} as I say, not as I {it}do{\/it}. [=do the things that I say you should do, not the things that I do myself]" }, { "t":"Shut up and {phrase}do as you\u0027re told{\/phrase}! [=do what I tell you to do]" } ] ] ] } ], [ "sense", { "sn":"b", "sgram":"+ obj", "dt":[ [ "uns", [ [ [ "text", "used with {it}what{\/it} to ask or talk about a person\u0027s job " ], [ "vis", [ { "t":"{ldquo}What does your husband {it}do{\/it}?{rdquo} {ldquo}He\u0027s a writer.{rdquo}" }, { "t":"She\u0027s a lawyer. I\u0027m not sure what her husband {it}does{\/it}." }, { "t":"What does she {phrase}do for a living{\/phrase}? [=what is her job?]" } ] ] ] ] ] ] } ] ], [ [ "sense", { "sn":"2", "sgram":"+ obj", "dt":[ [ "text", "{bc}to finish working on (something) " ], [ "vis", [ { "t":"His mother won\u0027t let him watch television until he has {it}done{\/it} his homework." }, { "t":"I\u0027ve only {it}done{\/it} three of the walls so far\u2014I\u0027ll paint the last one tomorrow." } ] ], [ "text", "{dx}compare {dxt|done:2||1}{\/dx}" ] ] } ] ], [ [ "sense", { "sn":"3", "sgram":"no obj", "dt":[ [ "uns", [ [ [ "text", "used to describe the success or progress of someone or something " ], [ "vis", [ { "t":"{ldquo}How is she {it}doing{\/it} in school?{rdquo} {ldquo}She {it}did{\/it} badly\/poorly at first, but now she\u0027s {it}doing{\/it} much better.{rdquo}" }, { "t":"She {it}does{\/it} well in math but badly in history." }, { "t":"The company is {it}doing{\/it} well." }, { "t":"How is the stock market {it}doing{\/it} these days?" }, { "t":"He started out poor, worked hard, {it}did{\/it} very well (for himself) in business [=was very successful in business], and died rich." } ] ] ] ] ], [ "snote", [ [ "t", "{phrase}How are you doing?{\/phrase} or (very informally) {phrase}How you doing?{\/phrase} is used as a greeting." ], [ "vis", [ { "t":"{ldquo}Hi, Dave. {it}How are you doing{\/it}?{rdquo} {ldquo}I\u0027m fine, thanks. How are you?{rdquo}" } ] ] ] ] ] } ] ], [ [ "sense", { "sn":"4", "sgram":"+ obj", "dt":[ [ "uns", [ [ [ "text", "used to describe the effect that something has " ], [ "vis", [ { "t":"You\u0027ve been working too hard. A few days off will {phrase}do you (some) good{\/phrase}. [=a few days off will be good for you]" }, { "t":"We didn\u0027t mean to {phrase}do him (any) harm{\/phrase}. [=to harm him]" }, { "t":"Criticism can {it}do{\/it} people a lot of harm\/damage; praise can {it}do{\/it} people a lot of good." }, { "t":"The new design {phrase}doesn\u0027t do much for{\/phrase} me. [=I don\u0027t like the new design very much]" }, { "t":"That hat {phrase}does nothing for you{\/phrase}. [=that hat does not look good on you]" } ] ] ] ] ] ] } ] ], [ [ "sense", { "sn":"5", "dt":[ [ "uns", [ [ [ "text", "used to describe the amount of effort someone makes" ] ] ] ], [ "wsgram", "+ obj" ], [ "vis", [ { "t":"She {it}did{\/it} nothing to help us. [=she did not try to help us at all]" }, { "t":"I {phrase}did my best{\/phrase}. = I {phrase}did my utmost{\/phrase}. = I {phrase}did all that I could{\/phrase}. = I {phrase}did everything I could{\/phrase}." } ] ], [ "wsgram", "no obj" ], [ "vis", [ { "t":"I {it}did{\/it} as well as I could." } ] ] ] } ] ], [ [ "sen", { "sn":"6", "sgram":"+ obj" } ], [ "sense", { "sn":"a", "dt":[ [ "text", "{bc}to create or produce (something) " ], [ "vis", [ { "t":"a writer who is {it}doing{\/it} a new biography on Abraham Lincoln" }, { "t":"a painter who has {it}done{\/it} some beautiful landscapes" } ] ] ] } ], [ "sense", { "sn":"b", "dt":[ [ "text", "{bc}to perform in or be the producer or director of (a movie, play, etc.) " ], [ "vis", [ { "t":"an actress who has {it}done{\/it} several hit movies" }, { "t":"a director who is {it}doing{\/it} a play on Broadway" } ] ] ] } ] ], [ [ "sen", { "sn":"7", "sgram":"+ obj" } ], [ "sense", { "sn":"a", "dt":[ [ "text", "{bc}to play (a role or character) " ], [ "vis", [ { "t":"an actor who {it}did{\/it} Hamlet on Broadway" } ] ] ] } ], [ "sense", { "sn":"b", "dt":[ [ "text", "{bc}to pretend to be (someone, such as a famous person) {bc}to copy the speech and appearance of (someone) " ], [ "vis", [ { "t":"a comedian who {it}does{\/it} a great George Bush [=a comedian who does a very good and entertaining imitation of George Bush]" } ] ] ] } ], [ "sense", { "sn":"c", "sls":[ "informal" ], "dt":[ [ "text", "{bc}to behave like (someone) " ], [ "vis", [ { "t":"I wish he\u0027d {it}do{\/it} a Houdini and disappear. [=I wish he\u0027d go away]" } ] ] ] } ] ], [ [ "sen", { "sn":"8", "sgram":"+ obj" } ], [ "sense", { "sn":"a", "dt":[ [ "text", "{bc}to wash or clean (something) " ], [ "vis", [ { "t":"It\u0027s your turn to {it}do{\/it} [={it}wash{\/it}] the laundry." }, { "t":"The woman we hired to clean our house doesn\u0027t {it}do{\/it} windows." } ] ] ] } ], [ "sense", { "sn":"b", "dt":[ [ "text", "{bc}to decorate (a place) " ], [ "vis", [ { "t":"They {it}did{\/it} the bedroom in blue and the living room in green." } ] ], [ "text", "{dx}see also {dxt|do over||2 (below)}{\/dx}" ] ] } ], [ "sense", { "sn":"c", "dt":[ [ "text", "{bc}to make (someone\u0027s face, hair, etc.) more attractive by putting on makeup, etc. " ], [ "vis", [ { "t":"She wanted to {it}do{\/it} her face before the party." }, { "t":"She had her hair {it}done{\/it} [={it}styled{\/it}] at the beauty parlor." }, { "t":"She was {it}doing{\/it} her fingernails\/nails." } ] ] ] } ], [ "sense", { "sn":"d", "dt":[ [ "text", "{bc}to put on (makeup) " ], [ "vis", [ { "t":"It took her a few minutes to {it}do{\/it} her makeup." } ] ] ] } ] ], [ [ "sense", { "sn":"9", "sgram":"+ obj", "dt":[ [ "text", "{bc}to cook or prepare (food) " ], [ "vis", [ { "t":"I like my steak {it}done{\/it} rare." }, { "t":"I\u0027ll {it}do{\/it} the salad while you {it}do{\/it} the pasta." } ] ], [ "text", "{dx}compare {dxt|done:2||2}{\/dx}" ] ] } ] ], [ [ "sense", { "sn":"10", "sgram":"+ obj", "dt":[ [ "text", "{bc}to make or sell (a product) " ], [ "vis", [ { "t":"This is the company\u0027s most popular computer, but they also {it}do{\/it} a less expensive model." } ] ] ] } ] ], [ [ "sense", { "sn":"11", "sgram":"+ obj", "sls":[ "chiefly US", "informal" ], "dt":[ [ "text", "{bc}to participate in (an activity) with other people " ], [ "vis", [ { "t":"We should {phrase}do dinner{\/phrase} some time. [=we should have dinner together some time]" }, { "t":"{it}do{\/it} a meeting [=have a meeting]" }, { "t":"We should {it}do{\/it} a movie [=go to a movie] this weekend." } ] ], [ "text", "{dx}see also {it}do lunch{\/it} at {dxt|lunch:1||}{\/dx}" ] ] } ] ], [ [ "sense", { "sn":"12", "sgram":"+ obj", "dt":[ [ "text", "{bc}to go to (a place) when traveling " ], [ "vis", [ { "t":"a group of tourists who are {it}doing{\/it} [={it}visiting{\/it}] 12 countries in 30 days" } ] ] ] } ] ], [ [ "sen", { "sn":"13", "sgram":"+ obj" } ], [ "sense", { "sn":"a", "dt":[ [ "text", "{bc}to move or travel (a distance) " ], [ "vis", [ { "t":"We {it}did{\/it} [={it}traveled{\/it}] 500 miles yesterday." } ] ] ] } ], [ "sense", { "sn":"b", "dt":[ [ "text", "{bc}to move at (a speed) " ], [ "vis", [ { "t":"They were {it}doing{\/it} [={it}going{\/it}, {it}driving{\/it}] 85 on the turnpike." }, { "t":"That plane can {it}do{\/it} [={it}go{\/it}] 1,400 mph!" } ] ] ] } ] ], [ [ "sense", { "sn":"14", "sgram":"+ obj", "dt":[ [ "text", "{bc}to be in a place for (a period of time) " ], [ "vis", [ { "t":"He {it}did{\/it} [={it}spent{\/it}] two years in college before he dropped out." } ] ] ], "sdsense":{ "sd":"especially", "dt":[ [ "text", "{bc}to be in a prison for (a period of time) " ], [ "vis", [ { "t":"He {it}did{\/it} [={it}served{\/it}] five years (in prison) for robbery." }, { "t":"He has been {phrase}doing time{\/phrase} in a federal penitentiary." } ] ], [ "uns", [ [ [ "text", "sometimes used figuratively " ], [ "vis", [ { "t":"I\u0027ve {phrase}done my time{\/phrase} at that terrible job, and now it\u0027s time to move on." } ] ] ] ] ] ] } } ] ], [ [ "sense", { "sn":"15 a", "dt":[ [ "text", "{bc}to be enough {bc}to be adequate " ], [ "wsgram", "no obj" ], [ "vis", [ { "t":"I don\u0027t need any more cake, thank you. One piece {phrase}will do{\/phrase}. [=one piece is enough]" }, { "t":"I\u0027d prefer to use glue, but tape {phrase}will\/would do{\/phrase}." } ] ], [ "wsgram", "+ obj" ], [ "vis", [ { "t":"({it}informal{\/it}) One piece of cake {it}will do{\/it} me. [=one piece of cake is enough for me]" } ] ] ] } ], [ "sense", { "sn":"b", "dt":[ [ "snote", [ [ "t", "Phrases like {phrase}that will do (it){\/phrase} and {phrase}that should do (it){\/phrase} are used in informal speech to tell someone that you do not want or need anything more." ], [ "vis", [ { "t":"{ldquo}Would you like anything else?{rdquo} {ldquo}No, {it}that\u0027ll do it{\/it}.{rdquo} = {ldquo}No, {it}that should do it{\/it}.{rdquo}" } ] ], [ "t", "{it}That will do it{\/it} and {it}that should do it{\/it} are also used to say that you have finished doing something or are about to finish doing something." ], [ "vis", [ { "t":"I just have one more letter to sign and {it}that should do it{\/it}. [=and then I\u0027ll be finished]" } ] ], [ "t", "{it}That will do{\/it} is also sometimes used to tell someone (such as a child) to stop doing or saying something that is bothering you or making you angry." ], [ "vis", [ { "t":"{it}That will do{\/it} [={it}that\u0027s enough{\/it}], young man: one more word out of you and you\u0027re grounded!" } ] ] ] ] ] } ], [ "sense", { "sn":"c", "dt":[ [ "snote", [ [ "t", "The phrase {phrase}that does it{\/phrase} is used to say that you have finished doing something." ], [ "vis", [ { "t":"I just need to sign one more letter\u2026There, {it}that does it{\/it}." } ] ], [ "t", "{it}That does it{\/it} is also used in angry speech to say that you will not accept or allow something anymore." ], [ "vis", [ { "t":"{ldquo}They say we\u0027ll have to wait another hour.{rdquo} {ldquo}{it}That does it{\/it}! We\u0027re leaving right now!{rdquo}" } ] ] ] ] ] } ] ], [ [ "sense", { "sn":"16", "sgram":"no obj", "dt":[ [ "text", "{bc}to be proper" ], [ "uns", [ [ [ "text", "used in negative statements " ], [ "vis", [ { "t":"It {phrase}doesn\u0027t do{\/phrase} for a doctor to become too friendly with his patients. = It {phrase}won\u0027t\/wouldn\u0027t do{\/phrase} for a doctor to become too friendly with his patients. [=a doctor should not become too friendly with his patients]" }, { "t":"Such behavior will never {it}do{\/it}! [=such behavior should not be allowed]" }, { "t":"We should leave soon. It won\u0027t {it}do{\/it} to be late." }, { "t":"This is a formal occasion, so jeans simply won\u0027t {it}do{\/it}. [=jeans are not appropriate]" } ] ] ] ] ], [ "snote", [ [ "t", "In U.S. English, this sense of {it}do{\/it} has a somewhat formal or old-fashioned quality." ] ] ], [ "text", "{dx}compare {dxt|done:2||3}{\/dx}" ] ] } ] ], [ [ "sense", { "sn":"17", "sgram":"+ obj", "sls":[ "informal" ], "dt":[ [ "text", "{bc}to use (illegal drugs) " ], [ "vis", [ { "t":"He says that he doesn\u0027t {it}do{\/it} drugs anymore." } ] ] ] } ] ], [ [ "sen", { "sn":"18", "sgram":"no obj", "sls":[ "informal" ] } ], [ "sense", { "sn":"a", "dt":[ [ "text", "{bc}to happen " ], [ "vis", [ { "t":"Is there anything {it}doing{\/it} tomorrow?" }, { "t":"There is nothing {it}doing{\/it} around here." }, { "t":"Let\u0027s find out {phrase}what\u0027s doing{\/phrase} downtown." } ] ] ] } ], [ "sense", { "sn":"b", "dt":[ [ "snote", [ [ "t", "People ask {phrase}what is something\/someone doing\u2026?{\/phrase} when they are surprised or upset about where someone or something is." ], [ "vis", [ { "t":"{it}What are all my clothes doing{\/it} (lying\/scattered) on the floor? [=why are all my clothes on the floor?]" }, { "t":"{it}What were you doing{\/it} (standing) outside in the rain? [=why were you outside in the rain?]" } ] ], [ "t", "People ask {phrase}what is someone doing with (something)?{\/phrase} when they are surprised or upset because someone has something." ], [ "vis", [ { "t":"{it}What are you doing with{\/it} my notebook? = {phrase}What do you think you\u0027re doing with{\/phrase} my notebook? [=why do you have my notebook?]" } ] ] ] ] ] } ] ], [ [ "sense", { "sn":"19", "sgram":"+ obj", "sls":[ "informal + offensive" ], "dt":[ [ "text", "{bc}to have sex with (someone)" ] ] } ] ] ] } ], "dros":[ { "drp":"be to do with", "def":[ { "sseq":[ [ [ "sense", { "dt":[ [ "text", "{dx}see {dxt|have to do with||(below)}{\/dx}" ] ] } ] ] ] } ] }, { "drp":"do a number on", "def":[ { "sseq":[ [ [ "sense", { "dt":[ [ "text", "{dx}see {dxt|number:1||}{\/dx}" ] ] } ] ] ] } ] }, { "drp":"do away with", "gram":"phrasal verb", "def":[ { "sseq":[ [ [ "sense", { "sn":"1", "phrasev":[ { "pva":"do away with (someone)" } ], "dt":[ [ "text", "{bc}to kill (someone) " ], [ "vis", [ { "t":"She\u0027s accused of hiring a hit man to {it}do away with{\/it} [={it}murder, do in{\/it}] her husband." } ] ] ] } ] ], [ [ "sense", { "sn":"2", "phrasev":[ { "pva":"do away with (something)" } ], "dt":[ [ "text", "{bc}to cause the end of (something) {bc}to get rid of (something) " ], [ "vis", [ { "t":"The struggling company had to {it}do away with{\/it} a number of jobs." } ] ] ] } ] ] ] } ] }, { "drp":"do battle", "def":[ { "sseq":[ [ [ "sense", { "dt":[ [ "text", "{dx}see {dxt|battle:1||}{\/dx}" ] ] } ] ] ] } ] }, { "drp":"do by", "gram":"phrasal verb", "def":[ { "sseq":[ [ [ "sense", { "sphrasev":{ "phrs":[ { "pva":"do by (someone)" } ] }, "dt":[ [ "text", "{bc}to deal with or treat (someone) well or badly " ], [ "vis", [ { "t":"She feels that they {it}did{\/it} poorly\/badly {it}by{\/it} her. [=that they treated her poorly\/badly]" }, { "t":"They {phrase}did pretty well by{\/phrase} me when I retired. [=they treated me pretty well when I retired]" } ] ], [ "text", "{dx}see also {it}hard done by{\/it} at {dxt|hard:2||}{\/dx}" ] ] } ] ] ] } ] }, { "drp":"do down", "gram":"phrasal verb", "def":[ { "sseq":[ [ [ "sense", { "sphrasev":{ "phrs":[ { "pva":"do (someone) down" } ] }, "sls":[ "British", "informal" ], "dt":[ [ "text", "{bc}to talk about (someone) in an insulting or critical way " ], [ "vis", [ { "t":"She thinks that if she {it}does{\/it} everybody else {it}down{\/it}, people will think more highly of her." }, { "t":"Stop {it}doing{\/it} yourself {it}down{\/it}: you\u0027ve got a lot to offer!" } ] ] ] } ] ] ] } ] }, { "drp":"do for", "gram":"phrasal verb", "def":[ { "sphrasev":{ "phrs":[ { "pva":"do for (someone)" } ] }, "sls":[ "British", "informal" ], "sseq":[ [ [ "sense", { "sn":"1", "dt":[ [ "text", "{bc}to cause the death or ruin of (someone) " ], [ "vis", [ { "t":"All that hard work nearly {it}did for{\/it} him. [=nearly killed him]" } ] ], [ "text", "{dx}see also {it}done for{\/it} at {dxt|done:2||}{\/dx}" ] ] } ] ], [ [ "sense", { "sn":"2", "dt":[ [ "text", "{bc}to do the cleaning and cooking for (someone) " ], [ "vis", [ { "t":"Mrs. Jones {it}does for{\/it} the vicar now his wife\u0027s passed on." } ] ] ] } ] ] ] } ] }, { "drp":"do good", "def":[ { "sseq":[ [ [ "sense", { "dt":[ [ "text", "{dx}see {dxt|good:2||}{\/dx}" ] ] } ] ] ] } ] }, { "drp":"do in", "gram":"phrasal verb", "def":[ { "sphrasev":{ "phrs":[ { "pva":"do (someone) in" } ] }, "sls":[ "informal" ], "sseq":[ [ [ "sense", { "sn":"1 a", "dt":[ [ "text", "{bc}to kill (someone) " ], [ "vis", [ { "t":"They threatened to {it}do{\/it} him {it}in{\/it} if he didn\u0027t pay the money he owed them." }, { "t":"He\u0027s been so depressed lately that his friends are afraid he might {phrase}do himself in{\/phrase}. [=he might kill himself]" } ] ], [ "text", "{bc}to cause the death of (someone) " ], [ "vis", [ { "t":"He struggled with lung disease for many years, but it was a heart attack that finally {it}did{\/it} him {it}in{\/it}." } ] ] ] } ], [ "sense", { "sn":"b", "dt":[ [ "text", "{bc}to cause the failure of (someone) " ], [ "vis", [ { "t":"His inability to attract Southern voters is what finally {it}did{\/it} him {it}in{\/it} as a presidential candidate. [=he failed because he was unable to attract Southern voters]" }, { "t":"a businessman who was {it}done in{\/it} by greed" } ] ] ] } ] ], [ [ "sense", { "sn":"2", "dt":[ [ "text", "{bc}to make (someone) very tired " ], [ "vis", [ { "t":"Working in the garden all day really {it}did{\/it} me {it}in{\/it}. = After working in the garden all day, I was\/felt {it}done in{\/it}. [={it}exhausted{\/it}]" } ] ], [ "text", "{dx}see also {it}done in{\/it} at {dxt|done:2||}{\/dx}" ] ] } ] ] ] } ] }, { "drp":"do it", "def":[ { "sseq":[ [ [ "sense", { "sls":[ "informal" ], "dt":[ [ "text", "{bc}to have sex " ], [ "vis", [ { "t":"They\u0027ve kissed\u2014but have they actually {it}done it{\/it}?" } ] ] ] } ] ] ] } ] }, { "drp":"do justice", "def":[ { "sseq":[ [ [ "sense", { "dt":[ [ "text", "{dx}see {dxt|justice||}{\/dx}" ] ] } ] ] ] } ] }, { "drp":"do out of", "gram":"phrasal verb", "def":[ { "sseq":[ [ [ "sense", { "sphrasev":{ "phrs":[ { "pva":"do (someone) out of (something)" } ] }, "sls":[ "informal" ], "dt":[ [ "text", "{bc}to unfairly prevent (someone) from getting or having (something) " ], [ "vis", [ { "t":"I\u0027ve been {it}done out of{\/it} what was rightfully mine!" }, { "t":"They {it}did{\/it} [={it}cheated{\/it}] him {it}out of{\/it} his inheritance." } ] ] ] } ] ] ] } ] }, { "drp":"do over", "gram":"phrasal verb", "def":[ { "sseq":[ [ [ "sense", { "sn":"1", "phrasev":[ { "pva":"do (something) over" } ], "sls":[ "US" ], "dt":[ [ "text", "{bc}to do (something) again " ], [ "vis", [ { "t":"I made a mistake when I measured the window and I had to {it}do{\/it} it {it}over{\/it} (again)." }, { "t":"If I had to {it}do{\/it} it (all) {it}over{\/it} again, I would have stayed in college." } ] ] ] } ] ], [ [ "sense", { "sn":"2", "phrasev":[ { "pva":"do (something) over" }, { "pvl":"or", "pva":"do over (something)" } ], "dt":[ [ "text", "{bc}to decorate or change a room, house, etc., so that it looks very different " ], [ "vis", [ { "t":"We\u0027re planning to {it}do over{\/it} the kitchen next year." } ] ] ] } ] ], [ [ "sense", { "sn":"3", "phrasev":[ { "pva":"do (someone) over" }, { "pvl":"or", "pva":"do over (someone)" } ], "sls":[ "British", "informal" ], "dt":[ [ "text", "{bc}to attack and beat (someone) " ], [ "vis", [ { "t":"He got {it}done over{\/it} by a gang of teenagers." } ] ] ] } ] ] ] } ] }, { "drp":"do someone proud", "def":[ { "sseq":[ [ [ "sense", { "dt":[ [ "text", "{dx}see {dxt|proud||}{\/dx}" ] ] } ] ] ] } ] }, { "drp":"do the trick", "def":[ { "sseq":[ [ [ "sense", { "dt":[ [ "text", "{dx}see {dxt|trick:1||}{\/dx}" ] ] } ] ] ] } ] }, { "drp":"do up", "gram":"phrasal verb", "def":[ { "sseq":[ [ [ "sen", { "sn":"1", "phrasev":[ { "pva":"do up (something)" }, { "pvl":"or", "pva":"do (something) up" } ] } ], [ "sense", { "sn":"a", "dt":[ [ "text", "{bc}to decorate (something) " ], [ "vis", [ { "t":"They {it}did up{\/it} the room in bright colors for the party. = The room was all {it}done up{\/it} in bright colors for the party." } ] ] ] } ], [ "sense", { "sn":"b", "dt":[ [ "text", "{bc}to adjust (something, such as your hair) in a particular way " ], [ "vis", [ { "t":"She {it}did up{\/it} her hair in a ponytail." } ] ] ] } ], [ "sense", { "sn":"c", "sls":[ "chiefly British" ], "dt":[ [ "text", "{bc}to wrap (something) " ], [ "vis", [ { "t":"packages {it}done up{\/it} [={it}wrapped up{\/it}] in paper and ribbon" } ] ] ] } ], [ "sense", { "sn":"d", "sls":[ "chiefly British" ], "dt":[ [ "text", "{bc}to repair (something) " ], [ "vis", [ { "t":"{it}do up{\/it} [={it}fix up{\/it}] old furniture" }, { "t":"{it}do up{\/it} an old house" } ] ] ] } ] ], [ [ "sense", { "sn":"2", "phrasev":[ { "pva":"do (someone) up" } ], "dt":[ [ "text", "{bc}to dress (someone) up {bc}to put attractive clothes, makeup, etc., on (someone) " ], [ "vis", [ { "t":"She really {phrase}did herself up{\/phrase} for the party. = She was all {it}done up{\/it} for the party." } ] ] ] } ] ], [ [ "sense", { "sn":"3", "phrasev":[ { "pva":"do up" }, { "pvl":"or", "pva":"do (something) up" }, { "pvl":"or", "pva":"do up (something)" } ], "sls":[ "of clothing" ], "dt":[ [ "text", "{bc}to be fastened or to fasten (something) with buttons, a zipper, etc. " ], [ "vis", [ { "t":"a dress that {it}does up{\/it} at the back = a dress that is {it}done up{\/it} at the back" }, { "t":"She {it}did up{\/it} her dress." }, { "t":"buttons that {it}do up{\/it} easily = buttons that you can {it}do up{\/it} easily [=buttons that can be easily buttoned]" } ] ] ] } ] ] ] } ] }, { "drp":"do well", "def":[ { "sseq":[ [ [ "sense", { "dt":[ [ "snote", [ [ "t", "If you {phrase}would do well{\/phrase} to do something, you should do it." ], [ "vis", [ { "t":"You {it}would do well{\/it} to avoid him right now. [=you should avoid him right now]" } ] ], [ "t", "If you {phrase}did well{\/phrase} to do something, you were correct to do it." ], [ "vis", [ { "t":"You {it}did well to avoid{\/it} him when he was in a bad mood." } ] ], [ "t", "If you {phrase}did well to escape, survive{\/phrase}, etc., you were lucky to escape, survive, etc." ], [ "vis", [ { "t":"When the tornado hit, they {it}did well to escape{\/it} uninjured." } ] ] ] ] ] } ] ] ] } ] }, { "drp":"do with", "gram":"phrasal verb", "def":[ { "sseq":[ [ [ "sense", { "sphrasev":{ "phrs":[ { "pva":"do with (something)" } ] }, "dt":[ [ "text", "{bc}to be helped by having (something) " ], [ "vis", [ { "t":"I {phrase}could (really) do with{\/phrase} a cup of hot coffee right now! [=I could use a cup of coffee; I would like\/appreciate a cup of coffee]" }, { "t":"I {it}could do with{\/it} a little less criticism right now, if you don\u0027t mind!" } ] ] ] } ] ] ] } ] }, { "drp":"do without", "gram":"phrasal verb", "def":[ { "sseq":[ [ [ "sense", { "sphrasev":{ "phrs":[ { "pva":"do without" }, { "pvl":"or", "pva":"do without (something or someone)" } ] }, "dt":[ [ "text", "{bc}to not have (something) {bc}to live, work, etc., without having (something) " ], [ "vis", [ { "t":"If you can\u0027t afford a new car, you\u0027ll just have to {it}do without{\/it} (one)." }, { "t":"I don\u0027t know how we ever {it}did without{\/it} computers." }, { "t":"I\u0027d like to get a new car, but I can {it}do without{\/it} it for now." } ] ], [ "snote", [ [ "t", "The phrase {phrase}can\/could do without{\/phrase} is often used to say that you do not like or approve of something." ], [ "vis", [ { "t":"I enjoy traveling, but I {it}can do without{\/it} having to wait around in crowded airports. [=I don\u0027t like having to wait around]" }, { "t":"He was late again. That\u0027s the kind of selfish behavior I {it}could do without{\/it}." } ] ] ] ] ] } ] ] ] } ] }, { "drp":"do your bit", "def":[ { "sseq":[ [ [ "sense", { "dt":[ [ "text", "{dx}see {dxt|bit:1||}{\/dx}" ] ] } ] ] ] } ] }, { "drp":"easy does it", "def":[ { "sseq":[ [ [ "sense", { "dt":[ [ "text", "{dx}see {dxt|easy:2||}{\/dx}" ] ] } ] ] ] } ] }, { "drp":"have to do with", "def":[ { "sseq":[ [ [ "sen", { "sn":"1", "vrs":[ { "vl":"or chiefly British", "va":"be to do with" } ] } ], [ "sense", { "sn":"a", "dt":[ [ "text", "{bc}to relate to (something) {bc}to be about (something) " ], [ "vis", [ { "t":"The problem {it}has to do with{\/it} fishing rights. = ({it}chiefly Brit{\/it}) The problem {it}is to do with{\/it} fishing rights." }, { "t":"{ldquo}What does her husband do?{rdquo} {ldquo}I think {phrase}it has something to do with{\/phrase} computers.{rdquo} = {ldquo}I think {phrase}it\u0027s got something to do with{\/phrase} computers.{rdquo} [=it involves computers in some way]" } ] ] ] } ], [ "sense", { "sn":"b", "dt":[ [ "text", "{bc}to relate to or involve (someone) " ], [ "vis", [ { "t":"That\u0027s your problem: {phrase}it has nothing to do with{\/phrase} me! = ({it}chiefly Brit{\/it}) {it}It\u0027s nothing to do with{\/it} me! [=it doesn\u0027t involve me in any way; it\u0027s not my problem]" }, { "t":"You\u0027re wrong. {phrase}It\u0027s got everything to do with{\/phrase} you: you\u0027re legally responsible for what went wrong." } ] ] ] } ] ], [ [ "sense", { "sn":"2", "dt":[ [ "text", "{bc}to be involved in or in some way responsible for (something) " ], [ "vis", [ { "t":"He claims that he {phrase}had nothing to do with{\/phrase} the accident. = He claims that he {phrase}didn\u0027t have anything to do with{\/phrase} the accident. [=that he was not involved in the accident]" }, { "t":"He claims he wasn\u0027t involved, but I know he {phrase}had something to do with{\/phrase} it." } ] ] ] } ] ], [ [ "sense", { "sn":"3", "dt":[ [ "snote", [ [ "t", "If you do not want to {phrase}have anything to do with{\/phrase} someone or if you {phrase}want nothing to do with{\/phrase} someone, you do not want to be involved with that person in any way." ], [ "vis", [ { "t":"She thinks he\u0027s a liar and she refuses to {it}have anything to do with{\/it} him. [=she refuses to talk to him, to see him, etc.]" }, { "t":"After the way he\u0027s treated me, I {it}want nothing (further) to do{\/it} with him. = I {it}don\u0027t want (to have) anything (further) to do{\/it} with him." } ] ] ] ] ] } ] ] ] } ] }, { "drp":"how do you do?", "def":[ { "sseq":[ [ [ "sense", { "dt":[ [ "text", "{dx}see {dxt|how:1||}{\/dx}" ] ] } ] ] ] } ] }, { "drp":"make do", "def":[ { "sseq":[ [ [ "sense", { "dt":[ [ "text", "{dx}see {dxt|make:1||}{\/dx}" ] ] } ] ] ] } ] }, { "drp":"nothing doing", "def":[ { "sseq":[ [ [ "sense", { "dt":[ [ "text", "{dx}see {dxt|nothing:1||}{\/dx}" ] ] } ] ] ] } ] } ], "dxnls":[ "compare {dxt|do:2||}" ], "shortdef":[ "to perform (an action or activity)", "\u2014used with what to ask or talk about a person\u0027s job", "to finish working on (something)" ] }, { "meta":{ "id":"do:2", "uuid":"e0b17ce8-5f3d-48db-966f-45309ba284f4", "src":"learners", "section":"alpha", "highlight":"yes", "stems":[ "do", "did", "did for", "did with", "do a number on", "do away with", "do by", "do for", "do it", "do justice", "do proud", "do the trick", "do with", "doable", "does", "does for", "does with", "doing", "doing for", "doing with", "done", "done for", "done with", "to do", "do not", "don\u0027t", "dont", "did not", "didn\u0027t", "didnt", "does not", "doesn\u0027t", "doesnt", "will do", "no can do" ], "app-shortdef":{ "hw":"do:2", "fl":"verb", "def":[ "used before the subject in a question", "used to form brief questions (called tag questions) that come at the end of a statement", "used with {it}not{\/it} to form negative statements" ] }, "offensive":false }, "hom":2, "hwi":{ "hw":"do", "altprs":[ { "ipa":"\u02c8du\u02d0" } ] }, "fl":"verb", "ins":[ { "if":"does" }, { "if":"did" }, { "if":"doing" }, { "il":"negative forms", "if":"do not" }, { "il":"or", "if":"don\u0027t" }, { "if":"did not" }, { "il":"or", "if":"didn\u0027t" }, { "if":"does not" }, { "il":"or", "if":"doesn\u0027t" } ], "gram":"auxiliary verb", "def":[ { "sseq":[ [ [ "sense", { "sn":"1 a", "dt":[ [ "uns", [ [ [ "text", "used before the subject in a question " ], [ "vis", [ { "t":"{it}Do{\/it} you play the piano?" }, { "t":"How well {it}do{\/it} you play the piano?" }, { "t":"What {it}did{\/it} he say?" }, { "t":"What {it}does{\/it} her husband do for a living?" }, { "t":"When {it}does{\/it} the train leave?" } ] ] ] ] ] ] } ], [ "sense", { "sn":"b", "dt":[ [ "uns", [ [ [ "text", "used to form brief questions (called tag questions) that come at the end of a statement " ], [ "vis", [ { "t":"You play the piano, {it}don\u0027t{\/it} you?" }, { "t":"So you play the piano, {it}do{\/it} you?" }, { "t":"Her husband works with computers, {it}doesn\u0027t{\/it} he?" } ] ] ] ] ] ] } ] ], [ [ "sense", { "sn":"2 a", "dt":[ [ "uns", [ [ [ "text", "used with {it}not{\/it} to form negative statements " ], [ "vis", [ { "t":"I {it}do not{\/it} know. = I {it}don\u0027t{\/it} know." }, { "t":"I {it}don\u0027t{\/it} believe anything he says." } ] ] ] ] ] ] } ], [ "sense", { "sn":"b", "dt":[ [ "uns", [ [ [ "text", "used with {it}not{\/it} to form commands " ], [ "vis", [ { "t":"{it}Do not{\/it} lie to me! = (more commonly) {it}Don\u0027t{\/it} lie to me!" }, { "t":"{it}Don\u0027t{\/it} touch the stove." }, { "t":"{it}Don\u0027t{\/it} be afraid. Everything will be all right." } ] ] ] ] ] ] } ], [ "sense", { "sn":"c", "sls":[ "somewhat formal" ], "dt":[ [ "uns", [ [ [ "text", "used before the subject in a statement after words like {it}never, seldom{\/it}, and {it}rarely{\/it} " ], [ "vis", [ { "t":"{it}Never did{\/it} he see his native land again. [=he never saw his native land again]" }, { "t":"{it}Seldom do{\/it} we experience such joy! [=we seldom experience such joy]" } ] ] ] ] ] ] } ] ], [ [ "sense", { "sn":"3", "dt":[ [ "uns", [ [ [ "text", "used to replace another verb or verb phrase " ], [ "vis", [ { "t":"{ldquo}May I come in?{rdquo} {ldquo}Yes, (please) {it}do{\/it}.{rdquo}" }, { "t":"You work harder than I {it}do{\/it}." }, { "t":"{ldquo}Do you play the piano?{rdquo} {ldquo}No, I {it}don\u0027t{\/it}, but my sister {it}does{\/it}.{rdquo}" }, { "t":"He works hard and I {it}do{\/it}, too. = He works hard and so {it}do{\/it} I." }, { "t":"Don\u0027t touch the stove: if you {it}do{\/it}, you\u0027ll burn yourself!" }, { "t":"She asked me to open the window, which I {it}did{\/it}. = What I {it}did{\/it} was (to) open the window when she asked me to." }, { "t":"({it}informal{\/it}) {ldquo}Can you finish it by tomorrow?{rdquo} {ldquo}Sure, boss, {phrase}will do{\/phrase}!{rdquo} [=I will finish it by tomorrow]" }, { "t":"({it}informal{\/it}) {ldquo}Can you finish it by tomorrow?{rdquo} {ldquo}Sorry, boss, {phrase}no can do{\/phrase}!{rdquo} [=I can\u0027t finish it by tomorrow]" }, { "t":"({it}Brit{\/it}) {ldquo}Are you going to the party?{rdquo} {ldquo}I might {it}do{\/it}.{rdquo} [=I might]" }, { "t":"({it}Brit{\/it}) He can work hard and I can {it}do{\/it} too. [=I can too]" }, { "t":"({it}Brit{\/it}) Would you mind feeding the dog if nobody else already has {it}done{\/it}? [=if nobody else already has]" } ] ] ] ] ] ] } ] ], [ [ "sense", { "sn":"4 a", "dt":[ [ "uns", [ [ [ "text", "used to make a statement stronger " ], [ "vis", [ { "t":"You really {it}do{\/it} look lovely today!" }, { "t":"{ldquo}It hurts!{rdquo} {ldquo}Well, I {it}did{\/it} warn you it would sting a little!{rdquo}" }, { "t":"I never {it}did{\/it} like him much." }, { "t":"Oh, {it}do{\/it} be quiet!" } ] ] ] ] ] ] } ], [ "sense", { "sn":"b", "sls":[ "somewhat formal" ], "dt":[ [ "uns", [ [ [ "text", "used as a polite way to tell or urge someone to do something " ], [ "vis", [ { "t":"{it}Do{\/it} come in and have a seat." }, { "t":"{it}Do{\/it} come and see us again soon." }, { "t":"{it}Do{\/it} be careful." } ] ] ] ] ] ] } ] ] ] } ], "dxnls":[ "compare {dxt|do:1||}" ], "shortdef":[ "\u2014used before the subject in a question", "\u2014used to form brief questions (called tag questions) that come at the end of a statement", "\u2014used with not to form negative statements" ] }, { "meta":{ "id":"do:3", "uuid":"91a487dd-23d8-4250-9752-1368bfb81507", "src":"learners", "section":"alpha", "stems":[ "do", "do\u0027s", "doo-doo", "dos", "dos and don\u0027ts", "dos and donts" ], "app-shortdef":{ "hw":"do:3", "fl":"noun", "def":[ "{bc} something that a person should do", "{it}US{\/it} {bc} a way of cutting and arranging a person\u0027s hair", "{bc} a party or social gathering" ] }, "offensive":false }, "hom":3, "hwi":{ "hw":"do", "altprs":[ { "ipa":"\u02c8du\u02d0" } ] }, "fl":"noun", "ins":[ { "il":"plural", "if":"dos" } ], "gram":"count", "def":[ { "sls":[ "informal" ], "sseq":[ [ [ "sense", { "sn":"1", "dt":[ [ "text", "{bc}something that a person should do" ], [ "uns", [ [ [ "text", "usually used in the phrase {phrase}dos and don\u0027ts{\/phrase} " ], [ "vis", [ { "t":"She told her daughter about the {it}dos and don\u0027ts{\/it} of dating. [=about the things that she should and should not do when dating someone]" } ] ] ] ] ] ] } ] ], [ [ "sense", { "sn":"2", "sls":[ "US" ], "dt":[ [ "text", "{bc}a way of cutting and arranging a person\u0027s hair {bc}{sx|hairdo||} " ], [ "vis", [ { "t":"She was worried that the wind might mess up her {it}do{\/it}." } ] ] ] } ] ], [ [ "sense", { "sn":"3", "dt":[ [ "text", "{bc}a party or social gathering " ], [ "vis", [ { "t":"We threw a big {it}do{\/it} for her after graduation." } ] ] ] } ] ] ] } ], "dxnls":[ "compare {dxt|do:4||}" ], "shortdef":[ "something that a person should do\u2014usually used in the phrase dos and don\u0027ts", "a way of cutting and arranging a person\u0027s hair : hairdo", "a party or social gathering" ] }, { "meta":{ "id":"do:4", "uuid":"291aeb82-c088-44e3-a79a-82277d602915", "src":"learners", "section":"alpha", "stems":[ "do", "do\u0027s", "doo-doo", "dos", "doh" ], "app-shortdef":{ "hw":"do:4", "fl":"noun", "def":[ "{bc} the first note of a musical scale" ] }, "offensive":false }, "hom":4, "hwi":{ "hw":"do", "prs":[ { "ipa":"\u02c8do\u028a" } ] }, "vrs":[ { "vl":"or chiefly British", "va":"doh" } ], "fl":"noun", "gram":"noncount", "def":[ { "sseq":[ [ [ "sense", { "dt":[ [ "text", "{bc}the first note of a musical scale " ], [ "vis", [ { "t":"{it}do{\/it}, re, mi, fa, sol, la, ti" } ] ] ] } ] ] ] } ], "dxnls":[ "compare {dxt|do:3||}" ], "shortdef":[ "the first note of a musical scale" ] }, { "meta":{ "id":"did", "uuid":"11f48eea-e9b0-42c8-8e08-33948d29de9e", "src":"learners", "section":"alpha", "target":{ "tuuid":"39adf490-93e1-41a0-8258-141f741c2801", "tsrc":"collegiate" }, "stems":[ "did", "do" ], "app-shortdef":null, "offensive":false }, "hwi":{ "hw":"did" }, "cxs":[ { "cxl":"past tense of", "cxtis":[ { "cxt":"do" } ] } ], "shortdef":[ ] }, { "meta":{ "id":"does", "uuid":"37ae0b07-7360-4561-a04c-36701f58432f", "src":"learners", "section":"alpha", "target":{ "tuuid":"713f65d9-b34a-404f-aded-0a0a23d029e3", "tsrc":"collegiate" }, "stems":[ "does", "do", "doe" ], "app-shortdef":[ ], "offensive":false }, "hwi":{ "hw":"does" }, "def":[ { "sseq":[ [ [ "sense", { "dt":[ [ "text", "{dx}see {dxt|do||}{\/dx}" ] ] } ] ] ] } ], "shortdef":[ ] }, { "meta":{ "id":"done:1", "uuid":"a66c8c54-e4db-4e0f-9df7-e0ab613260b7", "src":"learners", "section":"alpha", "target":{ "tuuid":"aca475b6-b7aa-4dbb-ad58-d75e6f8cc587", "tsrc":"collegiate" }, "stems":[ "done", "do" ], "app-shortdef":null, "offensive":false }, "hom":1, "hwi":{ "hw":"done", "altprs":[ { "ipa":"\u02c8d\u028cn" } ] }, "cxs":[ { "cxl":"past participle of", "cxtis":[ { "cxt":"do:1" } ] } ], "shortdef":[ ] }, { "meta":{ "id":"shopping", "uuid":"f5bf3135-2cc1-4e6a-9bad-82b9bd281d24", "src":"learners", "section":"alpha", "stems":[ "shopping", "do", "go", "shopping bag", "shopping spree" ], "app-shortdef":{ "hw":"shopping", "fl":"noun", "def":[ "{bc} the activity of visiting places where goods are sold in order to look at and buy things (such as food, clothing, etc.)", "{it}British{\/it} {bc} the things that are bought at a shop or store" ] }, "offensive":false }, "hwi":{ "hw":"shopping", "altprs":[ { "ipa":"\u02c8\u0283\u0251\u02d0p\u026a\u014b" } ] }, "fl":"noun", "gram":"noncount", "def":[ { "sseq":[ [ [ "sense", { "sn":"1", "dt":[ [ "text", "{bc}the activity of visiting places where goods are sold in order to look at and buy things (such as food, clothing, etc.) " ], [ "vis", [ { "t":"We {phrase}do{\/phrase} our\/the grocery {phrase}shopping{\/phrase} once a week. = We {phrase}go{\/phrase} grocery {phrase}shopping{\/phrase} once a week. [=we shop for groceries once a week]" }, { "t":"I can {it}do{\/it} your {it}shopping{\/it} for you." }, { "t":"When are you going to {it}do{\/it} the {it}shopping{\/it}?" }, { "t":"I\u0027m {it}going shopping{\/it}. [=({it}Brit{\/it}) {it}going to the shops{\/it}]" }, { "t":"We {it}went shopping{\/it} for a gift at the mall." } ] ], [ "uns", [ [ [ "text", "often used before another noun " ], [ "vis", [ { "t":"a {it}shopping{\/it} area\/basket\/cart" }, { "t":"We\u0027re going on a {it}shopping{\/it} trip in New York City." }, { "t":"a {phrase}shopping bag{\/phrase} [=({it}Brit{\/it}) {it}carrier bag{\/it}; a bag used to carry items you have bought in a store]" }, { "t":"We went on a {phrase}shopping spree{\/phrase}. [=we bought a lot of things in a short period of time]" } ] ] ] ] ] ] } ] ], [ [ "sense", { "sn":"2", "sls":[ "British" ], "dt":[ [ "text", "{bc}the things that are bought at a shop or store " ], [ "vis", [ { "t":"Put the {it}shopping{\/it} in the car." } ] ] ] } ] ] ] } ], "shortdef":[ "the activity of visiting places where goods are sold in order to look at and buy things (such as food, clothing, etc.) \u2014often used before another noun", "the things that are bought at a shop or store" ] }, { "meta":{ "id":"do-gooder", "uuid":"0ddb7c7b-8019-4a44-ac49-0a74c447d60d", "src":"learners", "section":"alpha", "target":{ "tuuid":"381fbcbb-efe1-4470-a62c-1d282558240d", "tsrc":"collegiate" }, "stems":[ "do-gooder", "do-gooders" ], "app-shortdef":{ "hw":"do-gooder", "fl":"noun", "def":[ "{it}disapproving{\/it} {bc} someone whose desire and effort to help people (such as poor people) is regarded as wrong, annoying, useless, etc." ] }, "offensive":false }, "hwi":{ "hw":"do-good*er", "prs":[ { "ipa":"\u02c8du\u02d0\u02ccg\u028ad\u025a", "sound":{ "audio":"do_goo03" } } ] }, "fl":"noun", "ins":[ { "il":"plural", "ifc":"-ers", "if":"do-good*ers" } ], "gram":"count", "def":[ { "sseq":[ [ [ "sense", { "sls":[ "disapproving" ], "dt":[ [ "text", "{bc}someone whose desire and effort to help people (such as poor people) is regarded as wrong, annoying, useless, etc. " ], [ "vis", [ { "t":"He dismisses his critics as a bunch of politically correct {it}do-gooders{\/it}." } ] ] ] } ] ] ] } ], "shortdef":[ "someone whose desire and effort to help people (such as poor people) is regarded as wrong, annoying, useless, etc." ] }, { "meta":{ "id":"do-it-yourself", "uuid":"eb8cf8a5-32a5-4caf-901f-f710b44209ae", "src":"learners", "section":"alpha", "stems":[ "do-it-yourself", "do-it-yourselfer", "do-it-yourselfers" ], "app-shortdef":{ "hw":"do-it-yourself", "fl":"adjective", "def":[ "{bc} of or relating to work (such as fixing or building something) that you do yourself instead of hiring someone to do it" ] }, "offensive":false }, "hwi":{ "hw":"do-it-yourself" }, "fl":"adjective", "lbs":[ "always used before a noun" ], "def":[ { "sseq":[ [ [ "sense", { "dt":[ [ "text", "{bc}of or relating to work (such as fixing or building something) that you do yourself instead of hiring someone to do it " ], [ "vis", [ { "t":"a {it}do-it-yourself{\/it} [={it}DIY{\/it}] home improvement project" }, { "t":"{it}do-it-yourself{\/it} home repair" }, { "t":"{it}do-it-yourself{\/it} stores [=stores where you buy materials to fix or build things]" } ] ] ] } ] ] ] } ], "uros":[ { "ure":"do-it-your*self*er", "fl":"noun", "ins":[ { "il":"plural", "ifc":"-ers", "if":"do-it-your*self*ers" } ], "gram":"count", "utxt":[ [ "vis", [ { "t":"a how-to guide for {it}do-it-yourselfers{\/it}" } ] ] ] } ], "shortdef":[ "of or relating to work (such as fixing or building something) that you do yourself instead of hiring someone to do it" ] } ]