So if User types:, then he'd be taken to: And if the loaded webpage (say for example) has this link on the webpage: Build your own Apps Then my app should append text like so: Build your own Apps That way, all link clicks are logged and tracked on my website. Understand ? Not only that, let us get creative. On the above 2 examples, I just got my App to auto append text (my website tracker link) on all the urls my User types and on all the links my App User clicks. Right ? Did I make any money from these clicks ? No! Let us change this shall we ? Imagine the link on the page, from something like this: Build your own Apps Got changed to something like this: Build your own Apps The above is not a proper url but a format which I want you to understand. Anyway, clicking the above mentioned link, what is going to happen ? Is the user going to headover to website ? No! User will be taken to website, it will check what kind of website is. It will learn it is an App building website. It will then check it's own internal database for App building sponsors (their advertisers). Say, it found your website as the competition. It would show a 5 secs ad of your website and charge you and share their earnings with me for sending the click. Then it will give my User the choice to either headover to your website or SKIP the Ad and headover to his original destination. In this case to Through this method, I earn a ppc revenue and so does You as a company get a chance to win over my User. If your ad on is really good then my User should click over to your website and forget your competition here. So you see, not only are trying to earn money here using us App Builders. I am trying to earn aswell using I just openly revealed one of my trade secrets with you here. I do not care if I get competition as this project is one of my least great ideas. I have more sophisticated ones. I am just trying to learn how to build this least one as it will train me and gain me experience to build my secret sophisticated ones. Anyway, if you think my ideas is good. This least one, I mean. Then you are welcome to build it and putup the code or atleast the img of the code blocks here and on your tutorial pages on this website for others to learn from. I do not mind. And so, by all means be my guest. I will then try learning from it. Btw, it is possible to quite do what I want with your Classic Edition. Right ? Here is another trade secret I am now revealing to you. Imagine the loaded webpage had many links from App Building tools to App Building Tutorials and Reviews. Now, it's no good my App auto converting all these links to links if adfly do not have advertiser links related to "App Tutorials" or "App Reviews". And so, my App would only change the "App Building Tool" link here to link. It would FIND & REPLACE based on REGEX. I did suggest to your company to add this FIND & REPLACE & REGEX feature but they are not taking me seriously. Thus hindering my income potentioal aswell as millions of other Thunkable Users. Eventually, your company will listen to me when they see their competitions adding these features I have suggested. But Thunkables will lose the race. Best to have a "Feature Suggestions" page on your website so we can suggest features and give reasons (like I done here) why we are suggesting these features. That way, your company will understand how good the suggested features are and bother to implement them. I only revealed my trade secrets here so that, atleast you will take me seriously and maybe discuss my feature suggestions in your group meetings next time. And I'm hoping you'd take me serious enough to NOT TELL me again to quit. And take me serious enough to maybe (just MAYBE) teach me how to build my features onto my App so I can get on with my projects. I'd hate to look elsehwhere to another company or hire a programmer to built it with Android Studio. I like to build things myself. And so, how-about showing me another image that teaches us newbie THUNKERS how to build the Mobile App I am trying to build ? It would be a good tutorial. I was supposed to go to bed halfen hour ago but I kept awake replying to you. I hope it was worth it. Looking forward to wakeup tomorrow and see you have given me the tutorial/sample code img I been asking for. Then, I can count as this night not a waste but a worthy one. It's over 2am here. Good night! PS - I am super creative. I have not discussed even 1% of my App ideas with you here. Maybe your company should bendover backwards and give me the tutorials and the tools I require and keep tabs on what I build. You never know, your company may learn a few things from me by stumbling over a billion dollar derivation from one of my brilliant ideas. PPS - Say, can Thunkable Web Scrape ?